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Oracle Cloud (OCI) Interview Questions – COMPUTE

Q: How do you create an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To create an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Compute service.
  • Click on “Create Instance” button.
  • Provide the necessary information like name, shape, image, SSH keys, and subnet.
  • Click on “Create” button.

Q: How do you connect to an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute using SSH?

A: To connect to an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute using SSH, you need to follow these steps:

  • Obtain the public IP address of the instance from the Console.
  • Open a terminal or command prompt and enter the following command: ssh -i [path/to/private/key] [opc@public-ip-address]
  • If prompted to accept the host key, enter “yes” to continue.
  • You should now be connected to the instance using SSH.

Q: How do you add a new SSH key to an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To add a new SSH key to an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Compute service.
  • Click on the name of the instance you want to add the SSH key to.
  • Click on the “Edit” button.
  • Under the “SSH keys” section, click on “Add SSH key”.
  • Enter the public key in the “Public Key” field.
  • Click on “Save Changes” button.

Q: How do you create a block volume in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To create a block volume in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Block Volumes service.
  • Click on “Create Block Volume” button.
  • Provide the necessary information like name, size, backup policy, and availability domain.
  • Click on “Create” button.

Q: How do you attach a block volume to an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To attach a block volume to an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Compute service.
  • Click on the name of the instance you want to attach the block volume to.
  • Click on the “Attach Block Volume” button.
  • Select the block volume from the dropdown list.
  • Enter the device name (e.g. /dev/xvdb) for the block volume.
  • Click on “Attach” button.

Q: How do you resize a block volume in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To resize a block volume in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Block Volumes service.
  • Click on the name of the block volume you want to resize.
  • Click on the “Resize” button.
  • Enter the new size for the block volume.
  • Click on “Resize” button.

Q: How do you create a backup for an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To create a backup for an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Compute service.
  • Click on the name of the instance you want to create a backup for.
  • Click on the “Create Backup” button.
  • Enter the name for the backup and select the backup policy.
  • Click on “Create” button.
  • The backup process will start and may take some time to complete.
  • You can monitor the status of the backup creation process in the Console.

Q: How do you restore an instance from a backup in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To restore an instance from a backup in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Compute service.
  • Click on the name of the backup you want to restore the instance from.
  • Click on the “Restore to Instance” button.
  • Provide the necessary information like name, shape, and SSH keys for the new instance.
  • Click on “Restore” button.
  • The instance restore process will start and may take some time to complete.
  • Once the process is complete, you can connect to the new instance using SSH.

Q: How do you create a custom image in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To create a custom image in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Compute service.
  • Click on the name of the instance you want to create a custom image from.
  • Click on the “Create Custom Image” button.
  • Enter the name for the custom image and select the compartment to store the image in.
  • Click on “Create” button.
  • The custom image creation process will start and may take some time to complete.
  • Once the process is complete, you can use the custom image to launch new instances with the same configuration.

Q: How do you launch an instance from a custom image in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To launch an instance from a custom image in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Compute service.
  • Click on “Create Instance” button.
  • Select the custom image from the “Image” dropdown list.
  • Provide the necessary information like name, shape, SSH keys, and subnet.
  • Click on “Create” button.
  • The instance launch process will start and may take some time to complete.
  • Once the process is complete, you can connect to the new instance using SSH.

Q: How do you create a virtual cloud network (VCN) in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To create a VCN in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Networking service.
  • Click on “Virtual Cloud Networks” on the left navigation panel.
  • Click on “Create Virtual Cloud Network” button.
  • Enter the necessary information like name, CIDR block, and compartment.
  • Click on “Create Virtual Cloud Network” button.
  • Once the VCN is created, you can create subnets and security lists to configure network access.

Q: How do you automate instance creation using Terraform in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To automate instance creation using Terraform in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure Terraform on your local machine.
  • Create a Terraform configuration file that defines the resources you want to create, including the instance, VCN, subnet, and SSH keys.
  • Run the “terraform init” command to initialize the configuration file.
  • Run the “terraform plan” command to preview the changes that will be made.
  • Run the “terraform apply” command to create the resources in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
  • The instance creation process will start and may take some time to complete.
  • Once the process is complete, you can connect to the new instance using SSH.

Q: How do you use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage instances in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage instances in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the CLI on your local machine.
  • Use the “oci compute instance launch” command to create a new instance.
  • Use the “oci compute instance list” command to view a list of instances.
  • Use the “oci compute instance stop” command to stop a running instance.
  • Use the “oci compute instance start” command to start a stopped instance.
  • Use the “oci compute instance terminate” command to terminate an instance.
  • You can also use the CLI to manage other resources like block volumes, VCNs, and load balancers.

Q: How do you create a GPU instance in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To create a GPU instance in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Compute service.
  • Click on “Create Instance” button.
  • Select the shape that includes GPU support.
  • Provide the necessary information like name, image, SSH keys, and subnet.
  • Click on “Create” button.
  • Once the instance is created, you can install and configure the necessary GPU drivers and software.

Q: How do you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK to manage instances in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK to manage instances in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the SDK on your local machine.
  • Use the SDK to authenticate with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and obtain an API key and secret.
  • Use the SDK to create an instance object and configure the necessary attributes.
  • Use the SDK to call the “launch_instance” method and start the instance.
  • Use the SDK to call other methods like “stop_instance”, “start_instance”, and “terminate_instance” to manage the instance.

Q: How do you use instance metadata in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: Instance metadata in Oracle Cloud Compute is a service that allows you to retrieve information about an instance and its environment, such as the instance ID, availability domain, and region. To use instance metadata, you can make a request to a pre-defined URL from within the instance. For example, to retrieve the instance ID, you can make a GET request to ““. The response will include the instance ID as plain text.

Q: How do you create an instance configuration in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To create an instance configuration in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Compute service.
  • Click on “Instance Configurations” on the left navigation panel.
  • Click on “Create Instance Configuration” button.
  • Provide the necessary information like name, instance shape, image, SSH keys, and subnet.
  • Click on “Create” button.
  • Once the instance configuration is created, you can use it to launch new instances with the same configuration.

Q: How do you manage SSH access to an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To manage SSH access to an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute, you can use SSH keys to authenticate users and control access. To manage SSH keys, you can add or remove keys from the instance configuration or from the instance itself using the Console or API. You can also restrict SSH access to specific IP addresses or ranges using security lists or network security groups. Additionally, you can use bastion hosts or remote VPNs to secure SSH access to instances over a private network. It is important to follow security best practices when managing SSH access, such as using strong passwords and regularly rotating keys.

Q: How do you create a custom machine image in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To create a custom machine image in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Launch a new instance with the configuration and software you want to use as the base image.
  • Install any additional software or make any necessary configurations on the instance.
  • Stop the instance when you are finished.
  • Create a custom image from the stopped instance using the Console or API.
  • Use the custom image to launch new instances with the same configuration and software.

Q: How do you enable fault tolerance for an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To enable fault tolerance for an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute, you can use features like availability domains and fault domains. Availability domains are physically separate data centers within a region that provide redundancy and isolation in case of failure. By launching instances in different availability domains, you can ensure that your workload can continue running even if one of the data centers experiences an outage. Fault domains are logical groupings of hardware within an availability domain that are isolated from each other to reduce the risk of correlated failures. You can use fault domains to distribute your workload across multiple hardware resources for increased availability and resilience.

Q: How do you use Terraform to manage load balancers in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To use Terraform to manage load balancers in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure Terraform on your local machine.
  • Create a Terraform configuration file that defines the resources you want to create, including the load balancer, backend set, listener, and routing rules.
  • Run the “terraform init” command to initialize the configuration file.
  • Run the “terraform plan” command to preview the changes that will be made.
  • Run the “terraform apply” command to create the resources in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
  • The load balancer creation process will start and may take some time to complete.
  • Once the process is complete, you can access the load balancer using the listener IP address.

Q: How do you use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry to manage container images in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry to manage container images in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Registry service.
  • Create a new repository for your container images.
  • Push your container images to the repository using the Docker CLI or another container tool.
  • Create a new instance in Oracle Cloud Compute and specify the container image from the registry in the launch configuration.
  • The instance launch process will start and pull the container image from the registry.
  • Once the process is complete, you can connect to the instance and access the container.

Q: How do you use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage load balancers in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage load balancers in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the CLI on your local machine.
  • Use the “oci lb load-balancer create” command to create a new load balancer.
  • Use the “oci lb backend-set add-backend” command to add backend instances to the load balancer.
  • Use the “oci lb listener create” command to create a listener for the load balancer.
  • Use the “oci lb rule-set create” command to create routing rules for the listener.
  • You can also use the CLI to manage other load balancer resources like SSL certificates, health checks, and backend sets.

Q: How do you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage block volumes in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage block volumes in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the CLI on your local machine.
  • Use the “oci bv volume create” command to create a new block volume.
  • Use the “oci bv volume list” command to view a list of block volumes.
  • Use the “oci bv volume attach” command to attach a block volume to an instance.
  • Use the “oci bv volume detach” command to detach a block volume from an instance.
  • Use the “oci bv volume delete” command to delete a block volume.
  • You can also use the CLI to manage other block volume resources like volume backups, volume groups, and volume attachments.

Q: How do you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK to manage block volumes in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK to manage block volumes in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the SDK on your local machine.
  • Use the SDK to authenticate with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and obtain an API key and secret.
  • Use the SDK to create a volume object and configure the necessary attributes.
  • Use the SDK to call the “create_volume” method and create the block volume.
  • Use the SDK to create a volume attachment object and configure the necessary attributes.
  • Use the SDK to call the “attach_volume” method and attach the block volume to an instance.
  • Use the SDK to call other methods like “detach_volume” and “delete_volume” to manage the block volume.

Q: How do you create an instance pool in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To create an instance pool in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Compute service.
  • Click on “Instance Pools” on the left navigation panel.
  • Click on “Create Instance Pool” button.
  • Provide the necessary information like name, instance configuration, and subnet.
  • Specify the number of instances to launch in the pool and the maximum number of instances to scale up to.
  • Click on “Create” button.
  • Once the instance pool is created, you can monitor and manage the instances in the pool using the Console or API.

Q: How do you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to monitor the CPU utilization of an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To monitor the CPU utilization of an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Compute service.
  • Click on the instance you want to monitor.
  • Click on the “Metrics” tab.
  • Select the “CPU Utilization” metric from the list of available metrics.
  • Use the chart to view the CPU utilization over time.
  • You can also customize the chart to show different time intervals and aggregation options.

Q: How do you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to monitor the disk usage of an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To monitor the disk usage of an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the CLI on your local machine.
  • Use the “oci compute volume-attachment list” command to view a list of attached block volumes.
  • Use the “oci compute volume-attachment get” command to retrieve information about a specific block volume attachment.
  • Use the “oci bv volume get” command to retrieve information about the associated block volume.
  • Use the “oci bv volume-usage get” command to retrieve the current disk usage of the block volume.
  • You can also use the CLI to monitor other instance and block volume metrics like CPU utilization, memory usage, and I/O operations.

Q: How do you use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage security lists in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage security lists in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the CLI on your local machine.
  • Use the “oci network security-list create” command to create a new security list.
  • Use the “oci network security-list list” command to view a list of security lists.
  • Use the “oci network security-list add-ingress-security-rule” command to add an ingress rule to a security list.
  • Use the “oci network security-list add-egress-security-rule” command to add an egress rule to a security list.
  • You can also use the CLI to manage other security list resources like security list rules and VCN security.

Q: How do you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to manage snapshots of block volumes in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To manage snapshots of block volumes in Oracle Cloud Compute using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Block Volumes service.
  • Click on the block volume you want to create a snapshot of.
  • Click on the “Create Snapshot” button.
  • Provide a name and description for the snapshot.
  • Choose whether to include the block volume data or create an empty snapshot.
  • Click on the “Create” button.
  • Once the snapshot is created, you can view it in the Snapshots tab and use it to create new block volumes.

Q: How do you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage snapshots of block volumes in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To manage snapshots of block volumes in Oracle Cloud Compute using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the CLI on your local machine.
  • Use the “oci bv snapshot create” command to create a new snapshot of a block volume.
  • Use the “oci bv snapshot list” command to view a list of snapshots.
  • Use the “oci bv snapshot get” command to retrieve information about a specific snapshot.
  • Use the “oci bv volume-clone create” command to create a new block volume from a snapshot.
  • You can also use the CLI to manage other snapshot and block volume resources like volume backups and volume groups.

Q: How do you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK to manage snapshots of block volumes in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To manage snapshots of block volumes in Oracle Cloud Compute using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the SDK on your local machine.
  • Use the SDK to authenticate with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and obtain an API key and secret.
  • Use the SDK to create a snapshot object and configure the necessary attributes.
  • Use the SDK to call the “create_snapshot” method and create the snapshot.
  • Use the SDK to create a volume clone object and configure the necessary attributes.
  • Use the SDK to call the “create_volume_clone” method and create a new block volume from the snapshot.
  • You can also use the SDK to manage other snapshot and block volume resources like volume backups and volume groups.

Q: How do you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to manage virtual network interfaces (VNICs) in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To manage virtual network interfaces (VNICs) in Oracle Cloud Compute using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Networking service.
  • Click on “Virtual Cloud Networks” on the left navigation panel.
  • Click on the VCN that contains the instance you want to manage.
  • Click on the “Subnets” tab and click on the subnet that contains the instance you want to manage.
  • Click on the instance in the list of resources.
  • Click on the “Networking” tab.
  • Use the “Edit VNIC” button to modify the VNIC configuration.
  • You can modify the VNIC’s hostname, DNS resolution, security list, and network security groups.
  • You can also add or remove secondary VNICs.

Q: How do you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage virtual network interfaces (VNICs) in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To manage virtual network interfaces (VNICs) in Oracle Cloud Compute using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the CLI on your local machine.
  • Use the “oci compute instance list-vnics” command to view a list of VNICs associated with an instance.
  • Use the “oci network vnic update” command to modify the VNIC configuration.
  • You can modify the VNIC’s display name, hostname, DNS resolution, security list, and network security groups.
  • Use the “oci network vnic attach” command to attach a secondary VNIC to an instance.
  • Use the “oci network vnic detach” command to detach a secondary VNIC from an instance.

Q: How do you use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage the console history of an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage the console history of an instance in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the CLI on your local machine.
  • Use the “oci compute console-history get” command to retrieve the console history of an instance.
  • Use the “oci compute console-history list” command to view a list of console history objects.
  • Use the “oci compute console-history delete” command to delete a console history object.
  • You can also use the CLI to manage other instance and console history resources like console connections and console message logs.

Q: How do you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to create custom images of instances in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To create custom images of instances in Oracle Cloud Compute using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Compute service.
  • Click on the instance you want to create an image of.
  • Click on the “Create Custom Image” button.
  • Provide a name and description for the image.
  • Choose whether to include or exclude attached block volumes.
  • Click on the “Create” button.
  • Once the image is created, you can use it to launch new instances.

Q: How do you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to create custom images of instances in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To create custom images of instances in Oracle Cloud Compute using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the CLI on your local machine.
  • Use the “oci compute image create” command to create a new custom image of an instance.
  • You can specify the instance OCID, image name, and other optional parameters.
  • Use the “oci compute image list” command to view a list of images.
  • Use the “oci compute image get” command to retrieve information about a specific image.
  • You can use the “oci compute instance launch” command to launch a new instance from the custom image.

Q: How do you use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage instance metadata in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage instance metadata in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the CLI on your local machine.
  • Use the “oci compute instance list” command to view a list of instances.
  • Use the “oci compute instance metadata get” command to retrieve the metadata of a specific instance.
  • Use the “oci compute instance metadata put” command to update the metadata of an instance.
  • You can add or update metadata keys and values using the –key and –value options.
  • You can also use the CLI to manage other instance resources like block volumes and VNICs.

Q: How do you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to manage block volumes in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To manage block volumes in Oracle Cloud Compute using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Compute service.
  • Click on the “Block Volumes” link on the left navigation panel.
  • Click on the block volume you want to manage.
  • From here you can view the details of the block volume, such as its size and performance characteristics.
  • You can also create snapshots, restore from snapshots, and resize the volume.

Q: How do you use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage block volumes in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage block volumes in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the CLI on your local machine.
  • Use the “oci bv volume list” command to view a list of block volumes.
  • Use the “oci bv volume create” command to create a new block volume.
  • You can specify the size and performance characteristics of the volume.
  • Use the “oci bv volume update” command to modify the attributes of a specific volume.
  • You can resize the volume, change the display name, or modify the backup policy.
  • Use the “oci bv volume delete” command to delete a block volume.
  • You can also use the CLI to manage other block volume resources like backups and snapshots.

Q: How do you use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage instance console history in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage instance console history in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the CLI on your local machine.
  • Use the “oci compute instance list-console-histories” command to view a list of console history objects.
  • Use the “oci compute instance get-console-history” command to retrieve the console history of a specific instance.
  • Use the “oci compute instance delete-console-history” command to delete the console history of a specific instance.
  • You can also use the CLI to manage other instance and console resources like block volumes and VNICs.

Q: How do you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to manage instance backup policies in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To manage instance backup policies in Oracle Cloud Compute using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Compute service.
  • Click on the instance you want to manage.
  • Click on the “Backup Policies” button.
  • From here you can view details of existing backup policies, create new policies, and modify or delete existing policies.
  • You can specify the backup schedule, retention period, and other attributes of the policy.
  • You can also view backups created by the policy and restore instances from backups.

Q: How do you use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage instance backup policies in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To manage instance backup policies in Oracle Cloud Compute using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the CLI on your local machine.
  • Use the “oci compute instance get” command to retrieve information about a specific instance.
  • Use the “oci compute instance update” command to modify the backup policy of the instance.
  • You can add or modify the “defined-tags” and “freeform-tags” attributes of the instance to include the backup policy.
  • You can also use the CLI to manage other instance and backup resources like block volumes and backups.

Q: How do you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to manage instance availability options in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To manage instance availability options in Oracle Cloud Compute using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Compute service.
  • Click on the instance you want to manage.
  • Click on the “Availability Options” button.
  • From here you can view details of the instance’s availability options, such as whether it is a dedicated host instance, whether it uses flexible shapes, and whether it uses burstable VM shapes.
  • You can modify the instance’s availability options as necessary.

Q: How do you use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage instance availability options in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage instance availability options in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the CLI on your local machine.
  • Use the “oci compute instance list” command to view a list of instances.
  • Use the “oci compute instance update” command to modify the availability options of a specific instance.
  • You can modify the “is-dedicated” and “shape” attributes to change the instance’s availability options.
  • You can also use the CLI to manage other instance resources like VNICs and console connections.

Q: How do you use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to manage instance security lists in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To manage instance security lists in Oracle Cloud Compute using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  • Navigate to the Networking service.
  • Click on the “Security Lists” link on the left navigation panel.
  • Click on the security list you want to manage.
  • From here you can view and edit the ingress and egress rules of the security list.
  • You can add new rules or modify existing ones.
  • You can also apply the security list to one or more instances.

Q: How do you use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage instance security lists in Oracle Cloud Compute?

A: To use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI to manage instance security lists in Oracle Cloud Compute, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the CLI on your local machine.
  • Use the “oci network security-list list” command to view a list of security lists.
  • Use the “oci network security-list get” command to retrieve the details of a specific security list.
  • Use the “oci network security-list update” command to modify the ingress and egress rules of the security list.
  • You can add or modify the “ingress-security-rules” and “egress-security-rules” attributes to add or modify rules.
  • Use the “oci compute instance update” command to apply the security list to one or more instances.
  • You can also use the CLI to manage other network and security resources like VCNs and network security groups.

Brijesh Gogia
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