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Count of EBS users having responsibilities linked to applications

The below script can be used to find the count of users linked to each EBS application. You can also filter and get information for the specific application.

select apl.application_name,
'Not License') status,
count(distinct usr.user_id) Active_User_Count
from apps.fnd_product_installations ins,
apps.fnd_application_tl apl,
apps.fnd_user_resp_groups grp,
apps.fnd_user usr,
apps.fnd_responsibility_tl res,
apps.fnd_responsibility rss
where ins.application_id = apl.application_id
and apl.application_id = res.application_id
and grp.RESPONSIBILITY_ID=res.responsibility_id
and rss.responsibility_id=res.responsibility_id
and usr.user_id=grp.user_id
and ins.status in ('I','S')
--and apl.application_name = 'Cash Management'
and (usr.end_date is null or usr.end_date>sysdate)
and (grp.END_DATE is null or grp.END_DATE> sysdate)
and (rss.END_DATE is null or rss.END_DATE> sysdate)
group by apl.application_name,
'Not License')
order by 2;


It will give output like below;

Brijesh Gogia
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