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Category: SCRIPTS

Oracle EBS Queries related to FND_PROFILE

Value of specific profile option at all level select b.user_profile_option_name “Long Name” , a.profile_option_name “Short Name” , decode(to_char(c.level_id),’10001′,’Site’ ,’10002′,’Application’ ,’10003′,’Responsibility’ ,’10004′,’User’ ,’Unknown’) “Level” , decode(to_char(c.level_id),’10001′,’Site’…

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Oracle EXPDP/IMPDP (DATAPUMP) Monitoring Scripts

Usually we monitor the EXPDP/IMPDP jobs by monitoring the log files generated by expdp/impdp process.  Also we monitor alert log too just in case some error pops up. This helps most of the time. If you have a long running expdp/impdp sessions as you are exporting/importing huge GBs then it helps to have a more detailed monitoring of the expdp/impdp jobs. Some of the useful queries which can be used to monitor the  Data Pump Jobs are mentioned below.

To start with some of the important tables/views that you should refer to monitor Data Pump Jobs are: