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Category: RMAN Scripts

Oracle EXPDP/IMPDP (DATAPUMP) Monitoring Scripts

Usually we monitor the EXPDP/IMPDP jobs by monitoring the log files generated by expdp/impdp process.  Also we monitor alert log too just in case some error pops up. This helps most of the time. If you have a long running expdp/impdp sessions as you are exporting/importing huge GBs then it helps to have a more detailed monitoring of the expdp/impdp jobs. Some of the useful queries which can be used to monitor the  Data Pump Jobs are mentioned below.

To start with some of the important tables/views that you should refer to monitor Data Pump Jobs are:


RMAN: Basic RMAN Commands

Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) satisfies the most pressing demands of performant, manageable backup and recovery, for all Oracle data formats.
RMAN  provides a common interface, via command line and Enterprise Manager, for backup tasks across different host operating systems.
Below are some of the commonly used RMAN commands which you can run through RMAN command line.