Category: Apps (11i, R12) scripts
For Apps DBA sometimes it is necessary to decrypt the EBS Application user’s password. Below package can be used to decrypt the FND_USER password. You will need password of “apps” database userid to be able to decrypt the application user’s password.
5 CommentsBelow are some of the useful workflow script that we use frequently in our 11i/R12 instances
set pagesize 100 set linesize 132 set feedback off set verify off col value format a35 col component_name format a30 select c.component_id, c.component_name, p.parameter_id, p.parameter_name, v.parameter_value value from fnd_svc_comp_param_vals_v v, fnd_svc_comp_params_b p, fnd_svc_components c where c.component_type = 'WF_MAILER' and v.component_id = c.component_id and v.parameter_id = p.parameter_id and p.parameter_name in ( 'INBOUND_SERVER','ACCOUNT', 'REPLYTO') order by c.component_id, c.component_name,p.parameter_name;1 Comment
Below are some of the simple but frequently used database tablespace related queries used by DBAs:
Queries Related to Temporary Tablespace
Check Temporary tablespace temp files size
set lines 132 col FILE_NAME format a60 select TABLESPACE_NAME,FILE_NAME,BYTES/1024/1024,AUTOEXTENSIBLE,MAXBYTES/1024/1024 from dba_temp_files;Leave a Comment
There are various components in Oracle Applications setup. Below commands can be used to find the exact version of the components: FIND APPS VERSION (11i/R12)…
1 CommentOracle provides a utility called FNDCPASS that allows you to change passwords in batch mode. It is highly advisable to back up the FND_ORACLE_USERID table…
2 CommentsCouple of Oracle Application Concurrent Manager related scripts which we use frequently. A) UNDER WHICH MANAGER THE REQUEST WAS RUN SELECT b.user_concurrent_queue_name FROM fnd_concurrent_processes a…
2 CommentsBelow are some of the useful scripts related to Oracle Applications database
select 'DATA_n_INDEX: ' || sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 || ' GBytes' DATABASE_SIZE from dba_data_files union select 'TEMP: ' || sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 || ' GBytes' from dba_temp_files union select 'REDO LOGS: ' || sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 || ' GBytes' from v$log union select 'CONTROLFILE: ' || sum(FILE_SIZE_BLKS*BLOCK_SIZE)/1024/1024 || ' MBytes' from v$controlfile;3 Comments
Some useful scripts related to Oracle Apps (11i,R12) are listed. The list is updated regularly so keep coming back for updated version of this webpage.…
Leave a CommentApplication users in Oracle Apps (EBS) can be created from the front end as well as back end. The back end method for user creation can be used when you don’t have sysadmin access to the applciation or also it can be used to speed up the process when there are many userids to be created.
You will require apps access to connect to database to run the package fnd_user_pkg.