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Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) – Oracle Database Cloud

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) has been a standard feature of Oracle database for quite a long time. Since database in cloud is increasingly becoming popular so this feature has taken a great importance keeping in mind that primary concerns that administrators have in keeping data in cloud (remote) servers is security.

Oracle Advanced Security Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) stops would-be attackers from bypassing the database and reading sensitive information from storage by enforcing data-at-rest encryption in the database layer. In this post we are going to demonstrate how the Transparent Data Encryption ensures that the data stored in the Oracle Database is protected and cannot be accessed from malicious users that have gained access at the OS level.


Oracle Database Cloud Services – Concepts

Oracle compute, storage and network services that we discussed earlier in this website are part of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

In this post we will briefly discuss about Oracle database cloud services which is part of Platform as a Service (PaaS). PaaS contains some of the platform services like Database, Business Analytics, Application Development (Java, Mobile,Messaging etc), Integration, Content and Collabration etc.

In simple words , Oracle Database Cloud Service offers elastic database services for application development, test and production deployment. The service delivers an easy to use web console user interface and RESTful API to provision and administer Oracle Database on Oracle Compute Cloud Offerings. When you create database deployments, Database Cloud Service creates compute nodes to host the database, using computing and storage resources provided by Oracle Compute Cloud Service. Additionally, it provides access to the compute nodes (and thus to the database) using networking resources provided by Oracle Compute Cloud Service.

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Resizing the Instance – Oracle Compute Cloud

If you find that your application workload has increased and you would like to add OCPUs and memory to your instance then you can do it with few easy steps. Oracle Cloud portal is very user-friendly and resizing the instance can be done without much efforts.

When you create an instance using the Create Instance wizard, one or more orchestrations are created automatically to manage the instance and its associated resources.

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Oracle Cloud ‘Orchestrations’ – working example

Orchestration is the automated management of your system components for high availability, monitoring, and persistence. It ties together the components you create into a single, manageable collection. For example, with orchestration you can associate networks, network security, and storage with the instantiation of a virtual machine. This instantiation can be restarted automatically if it terminates for some reason, or it can be monitored.

To read about basic concepts of Oracle Cloud ‘Orchestrations’ read this post first.


In this post, we will be creating one master orchestration JSON file named master.txt and two nested orchestration JSON files named volume.txt and instance.txt.

volume.txt and instance.txt will be called from inside the master.txt orchestration JSON file.

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Opening ports between Oracle Compute Cloud Service instances.

After we have created our oracle compute virtual machine our next goal is to get our application installed on those virtual machines. Applications sitting on different virtual machines need to talk to each other internally too. For this internal connection we need to open ports between those machines.

For our application In this post we will open communication between the two instances on a specific port 50 and will enable a telnet service. After opening the ports on the VMs we will verify if we are able to telnet from one instance to the other on that specific port 50

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Creating single compute instance – Oracle Cloud

Creating a single compute instance on Oracle Cloud is a simple process. Below we have documented the step-by-step process to achieve this goal.

Process Overview

To create an Oracle Compute Cloud Service instance and set up HTTP access to the we will have complete the following tasks:

1. Generate an SSH key pair on your laptop/machine.

2. Upload the SSH public key to Oracle Compute Cloud Service.

3. Reserve a public IP address for your instance.

4. Create storage volumes to boot the instance from, or to store your data and applications.

5. Create your instance, associate a public IP address with it, configure it for SSH access, and attach the storage volumes that you created, if any.

6. Configure the instance for HTTP access.

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Oracle Cloud ‘Orchestrations’ – Concepts

General meaning of Orchestration is harmonious organization especially by means of clever or thorough planning or maneuvering to achieve desirable result. Orchestration in terms of Oracle Cloud is process/method to automate the provisioning and lifecycle operations of an entire virtual compute topology of Oracle Cloud. You can define the attributes and inter-dependencies of a collection of compute, networking, and storage resources in Oracle Compute Cloud Service.

Orchestration uses JSON as the communication language. See this post about basics of JSON.

you can use orchestrations to create and manage a collection of instances hosting a multi-tiered application stack with all the necessary networking, storage, and security settings.

At any time, you can delete and re-create all the instances in an orchestration just by stopping and restarting the orchestration. Storage attachments, security lists, and so on are re-associated automatically.

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JSON Concepts – Oracle Cloud Orchestration

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. This simple language is used a lot in Oracle Cloud and many other new Oracle products like SOA and Oracle 12c. It is easy for humans to read and write this language. It is easy also for machines to parse and generate. JSON is a text format that is completely language independent which make JSON an ideal data-interchange language. The file type for JSON files is “.json”

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